Pressing forward into 2021

Hello again everyone and a late greetings to 2021. Despite the troubles of last year we plan to make it the best year for our family yet! Here are some memorable things since the last post. Enjoy!

New years goals:

Kiara - Finish 6 crochet projects

Cody - Complete 12 programming projects and run a marathon

Spence - Learn to go potty on the toilet

Christmas in Texas

 We played D&D with my dad, put together a trampoline, played love letters, played racketball with my dad, and went to Space center Houston. Unfortunately we were not able to make the trip to see my cousins in Arizona but we still had a lot of fun! We will have to go there later. We got plenty of wonderful gifts. We was definitely spoiled with our new cowboy clothes and D&D books. We were blessed enough to see Conrad as well who allowed us to binge watch the Mandalorian.
Christmas in Texas

Christmas in Kentucky

Wait I thought we just had Christmas?! Well... now we had Christmas in January. What a blast! With Katia back home we watched the nativity story and tried to taste test as many snowflakes as possible within five minutes. The results were inconclusive. I made the Bettenhausens mug designs. Everyone got awards for Nanowrimo 2020. I wrote 30 dragon stories and made 30 paintings. Kiara wrote a story called 'The town called Aruna'.

Running into the new year

I went on my first half marathon on the first of the year! Scott made us awesome t-shirts just for the occasion as he does every month. (What a guy!) 

Valentines Day

 Kiara got me a new pair of running shoes and I of course got he flowers. We had a wonderful day. Spence also got gifts he loves.

Other fun activities

Spence cooked brownies with us and got to see another toddler from a lady we love at speedway. Kiara watched her for a day and loved it.

We completed our first D&D campaign 'The lost mines of Phandelver' with the bettenhausens bringing the black spider to justice and bringing peace to the sword coast. It was a year in the making but helped us learn our characters and the game quite well. We are taking a break but may be off to fight the dragon of ice spire peak soon!

I created my first portfolio website here. Feel free to give me any feedback on how it could be improved. I am looking into front end web development.

Kiara went on a girls trip this past weekend to eastern Tennessee. She says it was lots of fun and very much needed. They played games and hiked in the mountains and ate at a delicious BBQ place. 

Seeking clarity:

We have been reading High performance habits and trying to really get an idea of how we can change now to create the future we envision together. As part of that we are following the KonMari method to tidy our space up permanently so we can have true focus on the things we love. It has been a exciting and enlightening experience for us. I would highly reccomend those things to anyone seeking to make a greater push towards the future you want. 

Love you all and thanks for reading!


  1. Love it - Y'all are GOOD folks doin' AMAZING things!!!
    Love you guys! 💙


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