August and September


Cody did a month of sketching, painting, and making graphics of dragons to celebrate Smaugust.

Great Cycle Challenge

The Great Cycle challenge happens every year in September and this year Spence is partisipating. Please come be a part of this effort with me!

Crocheted blankets

Kiara has been making blankets for family members for Christmas this year! They look incredible! It is a ton of work and I am very proud of her work.

Eyeball hats

You see some strange things on social media. Here is a fun and silly creation Kiara Crocheted.

Feeding the missionary zone

Kiara loves baking but this was a serious challenge. SHe made more than 80 bundt cakes for these missionaries. They best be grateful.


Cody got an award for his second toastmasters speech. Of course, he was the only one who didnt get disqualified and that means he got first but thats beside the point.

Kiara is starting school again with the intent to become a Nurse or hygeniest. Her major is Applied Health.


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