Kiara's birthday and Halloween DnD
For kiara's birthday I took work off and we played Terramystica, Cover your assets, and Citadels. Unfortunately, kiara had to finish doing an order for Nancy so we had to spend a few hours at work reboxing tubes. Kiara got a yarn bag, yarn, a dress, a bundt pan, diamond art, and a shirt that says 'support wildlife: raise boys'. She said her favorite part was all of it. She also got to make dinner and red velvet mini bundt cakes (She wanted to do this. We did not force her to make her own cake!). She is a fantastic chef by the way.
This month we move on to a new theme. This will be my second year doing my own homemade Dungeons and Dragons adventure with the Bettenhausens. It is the second in a modern day series. The first was titled, "House on the hill". This time it is called, "The game of storms". It is centered around a family that moves into a haunted house and finds out about this strange spirits called rifters. They go on to free the house from the rifter spirit and bust an evil organization. What makes this so fun is being able to write my own story, roleplay it with everyone, and use a bunch of tools to make it fun: powerpoint, music, costumes, and dungeons tiles. If you have never played Dungeons and Dragons I would highly recommend it if you like being creative and drama. You just need a group of people to play it with. For us this is a tradition that is central to our Halloween celebration. Thanks for reading!
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