Violin and the outdoors!

 Kiara just started a new job labeling for the company I work for, Container and Packaging Supply.

Kiara has gotten a new violin student, bringing her up to three students. They are learning fiddle music. They recently played Rubber dolly. Boil them cows down, and Oh Susana. I also have three students for programming.

As far as the Great Cycle Challenge, I just went on my first ride with brother fielding. You can see us riding around his area in the video. We went 20 miles bringing me 10 away from 100 miles this month. We are nearing the end of the cycle challenge, so please donate to fighting kids cancer with me! I am getting closer to reaching my goal of 100 dollars donated so anything you could do would be great. Here is the link for donating to fight childrens cancer. This challenge only happens twice a year.

A brief moment of the route we took.
My ride with Douglas Fielding.

Otherwise outdoors activities we have done lately include: swinging, walking, and tennis. I played tennis with Scott and learned how to serve and use angles.

Spence's first time on the swing.

Spence loves the swing!

He also is a strange and random sleeper.

My classes I am taking this semester are Design thinking, Web Frontend II, and User Interface Evaluation. They are basically all focused on making things appear and work the way the best possible way for the user. My major is Software Engineering if anyone was not sure.

Nathan, Jacob, and I are continuing our board game with a space theme. We will let you all know when it finishes development! We plan to make it professional and available to be bought. I am also considering making phone games but that won't be for a while.

This next month we have my favorite activity coming up. That is Dungeons and Dragons! This will be my second homemade adventure with the Bettenhausen's and I am so excited for it. 


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