Many Many Things

We are getting ready to move into our own place again. Spence is getting close his 3 month mark. Our time here has been a great blessing for all of us and I am especially grateful for my job at container and packaging. Kentucky is very similar to Texas in a lot of ways. It has been fantastic to get to know Kiara's family so well. I am sure Kiara's sister, Katia, is doing amazing things on her mission in Pocetello Idaho. We recently started playing Dungeons and Dragons with the Bettenhausens. I have also had the chance to go to the gym with Kade and my wife several times. We are about to start SWUG writing group back up as well. The latest board games we have learned are Boss monster, Photosynthesis, and Terra Mystica. This month we will be making a trip to my old mission companions(Mark Rust) wedding! We also went to a small art fair and ate at Tolly-ho when we went to Frankfurt.


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