
Rexburg Returns

Hello everyone! This has been a rather exciting past week. We had been thinking for a while of moving to Rexburg to finish school on campus but could not find a way. Then, Skyler, Katia's husband suggested I get a position with him at Yellowstone Log Homes. About a week later, I interviewed and got the job. Later that same day we were offered married housing with Campus Courtyard near BYU-I. I had several interviews with developer companies and got a position as a TA for Frontend development I class. I called a good friend from my mission, Spencer Schmid and found out he happens to be moving back to Rexburg just a few months later. I also decided to add clusters in business and graphic design to my major. Kiara is taking some marriage and family classes through pathway and is excited to be near her sister a lot of her cousins though it will be difficult not having her parents around as they have been a ton of fun and help. We got family pictures Kiara has been working on a temp...

August and September

Smaugust Cody did a month of sketching, painting, and making graphics of dragons to celebrate Smaugust. Great Cycle Challenge The Great Cycle challenge happens every year in September and this year Spence is partisipating. Please come be a part of this effort with me! Crocheted blankets Kiara has been making blankets for family members for Christmas this year! They look incredible! It is a ton of work and I am very proud of her work. Eyeball hats You see some strange things on social media. Here is a fun and silly creation Kiara Crocheted. Feeding the missionary zone Kiara loves baking but this was a serious challenge. SHe made more than 80 bundt cakes for these missionaries. They best be grateful. Toastmasters Cody got an award for his second toastmasters speech. Of course, he was the only one who didnt get disqualified and that means he got first but thats beside the point. Kiara is starting school again with the intent to become a Nurse or hygeniest....

Print, Program, Prochete?

Kiara finished her crochete for her father. Kiara got me a 3D printer which I had been wanting. I plan to make baskets, measuring, cups, DnD figures, and whatever other useful things I can find. Let me know in the comments if you have any ideas for 3D prints. I am doing a coding bootcamp called Nucamp to learn and create projects using React, JSNode, MongoDB, and other technologies starting Sepember 22nd. We had the fourth of July with the Bettenhausens. Of course, as always we have lots of pictures with Spence and his antics so enjoy!

Betrayal Legacy, Teaching, and the Renaissance Festival

Sundy, Scott, Kiara and I have started playing Betrayal at house on the hill Legacy edition. This means that the game builds on itself every time you play. It has been a little nuts because it really throws a wrench at us every game with unexpected shifts in the gameplay. Thats part of what makes it really fun though. Kiara and I now are each others teachers and students. She teaches me Violin and I teach her programming with Python. We do this because we both are paid to teach and want to help each other get feedback on how to improve the way we teach. It also helps us relate and understand each others struggles and passions. The Renaissance Festival is a fantastic event that I went to many times in Texas. You go back to the mideval days with all its singing, performance, and blacksmithing glory. Now, I have found one in Kentucky! In my opinion it is one of the best events you can go to but Kiara my suggest One Republic concerts would beat it. We will agree to disagree. Anyways, w...

Our 3rd year together

The 17th of April marks Kiara and my aniversary. We had to celebrate early due to her and her family taking Katia, her sister, to school at BYUI. We went to Texas roadhouse and discussed what we learned over these three years and the fun times we had at BYU-I. Kiara and her parents also got to visit some grandparents and relatives while they went off to bring Katia to BYU-I. I also started another semester while they were out. I most excited about my small business creation and world religions classes. I will be finishing school sometime near the end of next year. We played a new game called Planet. I am thinking of transferring schools. In any case here are the pictures over the past few months. Biking along Floyds park Traveling in the wilderness for general conference Hot dogs are fake, instead, eat the tuna dog! Biking to the nearby creek To the Golf club we bike! Traveling to drop off Katia May day

Time flies when you walk a 5k

 The most notable things that happened this week were going on a 5k, watching Izzie, playing games, and Spence learning to say new things. 5k: This time we went to Pope lick park for a change in scenery. I didnt go especially fast but I had the privledge to have Spence along with me. We went to the soccer fields and I let him get out and walk around the soccer fields as I attempted to explain what soccer is. He enjoyed saying hi to the people we passed and playing on the playground. Kiara pushed Izzie this time. We learned a new game called Rise of Tribes. It has some aggression in it so not everyone liked it but it was a great chance to experience something new. If you are interested in board games you may recognize the other games we played: 7 wonders and trains. A great lds game is search ponder and pray. Spence learned to count to 3 (skipping one to my dismay). He also learned cilantro which sounds more like sancho but that still progress right? (Again not the kind of thing you...