A special message for our descendants
A message for future generations Try this link first: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1a-087eKpvxZBlHritp-ZPsDPlRJfFVcduojU29i2XR4/edit?usp=sharing - if it does not work go ahead and the message which I have copied below. This message is only meant for our descendants and should not be read by other people. Thank you! I have been considering what message I would give to my children and my children's children and so on, if I should be able to convey anything to them. What would I like to see in you? Every parent wishes for the next generation to be better or perhaps more righteous than they. I have been striving to become as best I can so as to not be a hypocrite but this is my hope even so. My patriarchal blessing has pronounced more blessings upon you than I could have imagined. It has said much concerning you. I hope by the time you read this I have been sufficiently righteous ...