Time flies when you walk a 5k
The most notable things that happened this week were going on a 5k, watching Izzie, playing games, and Spence learning to say new things. 5k: This time we went to Pope lick park for a change in scenery. I didnt go especially fast but I had the privledge to have Spence along with me. We went to the soccer fields and I let him get out and walk around the soccer fields as I attempted to explain what soccer is. He enjoyed saying hi to the people we passed and playing on the playground. Kiara pushed Izzie this time. We learned a new game called Rise of Tribes. It has some aggression in it so not everyone liked it but it was a great chance to experience something new. If you are interested in board games you may recognize the other games we played: 7 wonders and trains. A great lds game is search ponder and pray. Spence learned to count to 3 (skipping one to my dismay). He also learned cilantro which sounds more like sancho but that still progress right? (Again not the kind of thing you...